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Shashti Vratham

Shashti Vratham

What is Shashti Vratham?

Shashti vratham is a Hindu fast observed on the sixth day of each lunar fortnight. The fast is dedicated to the goddess Skanda, or Murugan. It is believed that observing this fast will help to ward off evil and bring good luck. This fast is usually done by women who are seeking to conceive. They believe they will be blessed with a child by worshipping the goddess. It is also believed that this fast will help to keep the mind and body pure.

During the fast, devotees abstain from food and water for the entire day. They will also perform special puja rituals and offer prayers to the goddess. The fast can be difficult to observe, but it is said to be worth it for the blessings received. If you are thinking of observing this fast, be sure to speak to a priest or knowledgeable person first to do it correctly.

Why do Shashti Vratham?

The Shashti Vratham is a Hindu religious fast observed by women during the sixth day of the waxing moon period. There are many reasons why women observe this fast. One reason is that it is believed to help attain desired objects. It is also believed to be a means of getting rid of problems and obtaining relief from diseases. Another reason for observing this fast is that it is believed to help attain mental and physical strength and stamina.

This fast is also observed to get blessings from the goddess for a happy and prosperous married life. In some cases, it is also observed as a means of seeking the blessings of the goddess for the birth of a child. Whatever the reason for observing the Shashti Vratham, it is a fast observed with great devotion by Hindu women worldwide.

When to do Shashti Vratham?

It is considered very promising and observed by both men and women. The fast is dedicated to the Goddess Skanda or Shanmukha. There are many benefits of the Shashti vratham. It is said to help in the overall growth and development of the body and the mind. It also helps in improving concentration and memory power. The fast is also said to be very helpful in reducing stress and anxiety levels.

Certain things need to be kept in mind while observing the Shashti vratham. One should not consume non-vegetarian food or alcohol during the fast. One should also avoid smoking and gambling. It is also important to avoid arguments and fights with others.

The fast can be broken only after having a bath. One should then pray to the Goddess Skanda and offer her flowers and fruits. Once the puja is over, one can then have a feast with family and friends.

Where to do Shashti Vratham

There are a few things to remember when deciding where to do Shashti Vratham.

  1. First, it is important to find a place where you will be comfortable and undisturbed for the duration of the fast. This could be your home, a friend’s house, or even a quiet spot in a park. 
  2. Second, having all the supplies you need before beginning the fast is important. This includes food and water for the pre-dawn and post-dusk meals and any items you might need for puja (such as flowers, incense, and a photo or statue of Goddess Durga). 
  3. Finally, being respectful of your space and those around you is important. This means keeping the noise level down, not disturbing others, and cleaning up after yourself when you are finished.

Who can do Shashti Vratham

The Shashti Vratham is a fasting ritual that is observed by Hindus all over the world. It is a six-day fast that is observed during the month of Margashirsha. The fast is observed by both men and women and is considered very auspicious. There are many benefits of observing the fast, which include:
-It helps to purify the mind and body
-It helps to focus the mind on god
-It helps to develop self-control
-It helps to increase willpower
-It helps to improve concentration
-It helps to boost immunity
The fast can be observed by anyone above 18 and in good health. Pregnant women and women who are breastfeeding are not advised to observe the fast.

How to do Shashti Vratham

Vratham is a Sanskrit word that means “to vow or promise.” Shashti is the sixth day of the week in the Hindu calendar. Shashti vratham is a fasting ritual Hindus perform on the sixth day of every lunar fortnight. Both men and women observe this fast. There are many reasons why people observe this fast. Some do it for health benefits, some to please the gods and goddesses, and others as a penance.

The fast is observed from sunrise to sunset. During the fast, one can only eat fruits and vegetables. No grains or pulses are allowed. There are also some restrictions on the types of fruits and vegetables that can be eaten. For example, one cannot eat bananas or mango as they are considered “oily” fruits. Some people also refrain from eating onion and garlic during the fast.

After the fast is over, one can eat a normal diet. However, avoiding non-vegetarian food and alcohol for the rest of the day is advisable.


Devotees fast on this day and offer prayers to Lord Skanda. Some of them even keep a fast for the whole week. It is believed that Lord Skanda fought and won a battle against the demon Soorapadman on this day. Therefore, this day is also known as SooraSamharam day. There are various rituals associated with this vratham. The most important one is the puja that is performed in the evening. A lamp is lit before the deity, and various offerings are made. A priest usually performs the puja. After the puja, devotees break their fast and consume prasad. This prasad is then distributed among friends and family. This vratham is observed by both men and women. However, it is more common among women. This is because it is believed that Lord Skanda is the protector.

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