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Guru Purnima


What is Guru Purnima, and why is it important?

Guru Purnima is a special day to celebrate and honour our teachers. It is a day to express our gratitude for their knowledge, wisdom, and guidance. It is also a day to reflect on the importance of the guru-student relationship and how it can help us grow and develop spiritually.

The word “guru” means “teacher” or “master.” The root of the word “gurukul” comes from the same Sanskrit word, which means “school.” In the yogic tradition, the guru is considered an enlightened being who can guide others on enlightenment.

The guru-student relationship is one of the most important relationships we can have in our lives. A good guru will help us see things in a new light and better understand ourselves and the world around us. A guru can also allow us to overcome our fears and doubts and find our true purpose in life.

Guru Purnima is a day to celebrate all of the teachers in our lives, both past and present. It is a day to remember the importance of this relationship and to show gratitude for the knowledge and wisdom our teachers have shared with us.

The history and origins of Guru Purnima

Guru Purnima is a Hindu festival that celebrates the guru-disciple relationship. It is traditionally observed on the full moon day in the month of Ashadh (June–July). It is also known as Vyasa Purnima, the day when Ved Vyasa, the author of the Mahabharata, is believed to have been born.

The word ‘guru’ is derived from the Sanskrit root ‘gu,’ which means ‘darkness’ or ‘ignorance.’ A guru is, therefore, someone who dispels the darkness of ignorance and leads his disciples to the light of knowledge. The guru-disciple relationship is considered one of the most sacred and vital relationships in Hinduism.

The origins of Guru Purnima can be traced back to the Vedic period. In Rigveda, a hymn is dedicated to Guru Agni, the god of fire, which is believed to be the first reference to the guru-disciple relationship. The Upanishads, the philosophical texts of Hinduism, also contain several references to the guru-disciple relationship.

How to celebrate Guru Purnima

Purnima is a Sanskrit word that means “full moon.” The Guru Purnima festival is celebrated on the full moon day in the month of Ashada (July†“August) to honour the guru or teacher. This festival is also known as Vyasa Purnima, as it is believed that the great Hindu sage Vyasa was born on this day. Vyasa is revered as the author of the Mahabharata, a Hindu epic. Guru Purnima is a time to express gratitude to our teachers for their guidance and wisdom. It is also a time to reflect on our journey as students and to set our intention for further learning.

There are many ways to celebrate Guru Purnima. Here are a few ideas:

  1. Give thanks: Write a letter, make a card, or express gratitude to your teacher in person.
  2. Donate: Donate to a cause that is important to your teacher or an educational institution in their name.
  3. Do something extraordinary: Plan a surprise party, take your teacher to lunch, or do something to make their day special.

The importance of a guru in our lives!

A guru is someone who is a teacher, guide, and philosopher. The word “guru” comes from the Sanskrit language and means “dispeller of darkness.” A guru can help us see the light in our lives and find our way when we are lost. A guru is not someone who tells us what to do but helps us find our way. A guru is someone who can help us to see the truth in our lives and to find our path. A guru is someone who can help us to find our truth. A guru is someone who can help us to find our path in life and to find our truth. A guru is someone who can help us to see the light in our lives.

What can we learn from the great gurus of history?

We can learn a lot from the great gurus of history. They can teach us the importance of living in the present moment, the power of love and compassion, and the need for inner strength and courage. They can also teach us the importance of having a vision and staying true to our values.

How to be an excellent guru to others?

Firstly, be clear and concise in your teachings. Whether you’re writing a blog post, giving a presentation or leading a workshop, make sure your points are easy to understand and follow. This will help your students or followers engage with your material and learn more effectively.

Secondly, be patient and encouraging. It can be frustrating when students or followers don’t seem to be progressing as quickly as you’d like, but remember that everyone learns at a different pace. Be supportive and give positive feedback to help motivate your students or followers to keep going.

Finally, be open to feedback yourself. It can be helpful to get input from your students or followers on how you’re doing as a guru. Just as you’re trying to help them improve, they may have valuable insights that can help you improve.


There’s no one answer for how to be an excellent guru to others – it depends on what you want to teach and who you want to teach it to, like everything in our life is a Guru.

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